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Pricing & Proposition Experts

Accelerate growth, manage risk and maximise commercial success

Our specialist services are led by industry experts

HAL Experts is a community of industry experts with decades of experience in insurance, working together to create a unique capability in the market at a price that is better value than traditional consultancies.


We possess extensive knowledge and experience in pricing and underwriting, proposition design, and distribution. We use our knowledge and experience to provide market-leading thinking and solutions for the insurance and insurtech community across personal and commercial lines.

We have a talent pool of grade A resource we can tactically deploy to support key strategic objectives or business-critical initiatives. Having worked in leading insurers, brokers, MGA’s, and suppliers, as well as undertaking assignments has given the team insights into the key ingredients for success.

Our services are crafted through real-world experience and are designed to accelerate growth, manage risk and maximise commercial success, as well as fix specialist problems at a price that is better value than traditional consultancies.

Notable clients we’ve proudly supported

Our services can be completed over 4 phases
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Understand The Opportunities

We initiate meetings or workshops to identify your specific challenges and needs, then provide a detailed plan covering potential solutions, timelines, resources, and costs
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Analyse & Develop Solutions

Our team provides pricing expertise in optimisation, technical, data, systems, and culture. With a focus on commercial versus technical decision-making, this includes recommendations.
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Implementation & Resource

Supporting strategic problem-solving and tactical delivery with business teams. For example, addressing GIPP and technical model developments. 
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Create a Strategic Roadmap

Our roadmap, built collaboratively with you based on assessment findings, helps shape your forward-looking pricing strategy, emphasizing value and ease of implementation.

Meet the leadership team behind our general insurance services

Senior practitioners with decades of experience in the general insurance pricing and proposition field

Darren McCauley

Darren McCauley

Senior Pricing Expert

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Robert Miles

Senior Insurance Expert

Explore a glimpse of what we've helped accomplish

Delve into our most recent insights in insurance